Solar Roofing: The Perfect Bundle

Will my roof support my solar panels? 

Is it worth it to install solar on my roof if it will need to be replaced or should I consider alternative installation areas?

How can I both upgrade my roof and install solar at the same time?

How much will a solar + roofing installation set me back

Do tax credits and rebates apply if I get a solar + roofing bundle deal?

Who even offers solar + roofing bundles? Is that a thing?

Any reputable solar company will tell you that the first thing you should do when looking into solar for your home is evaluate your roof. Our team of experts have been bundling solar + roofing for over 45 years and want to help your home improvement upgrades as seamlessly as possible. 

Evaluating Your Home for a Solar + Roofing Bundle

Evaluating your home includes a number of factors. Your solar company should help you analyze your current and projected energy usage, natural obstacles as well as roof type and health. In order to facilitate this, you should probably know how your roof works!

Understanding your roof 

Knowing all the parts of a roof can help you save money, diagnose heating and cooling issues and protect your home from water damage

There are many components that make up a roof, and these will vary depending on the style, age, region and materials of your home. You can learn about a few of the most common components that make up a roof below:

Rafters: Think of the rafters like the skeletal system of your roof. Rafters give your roof its shape and serve as an integral part of any roofing upgrade. 

Trusses: Some roofs use trusses instead of rafters. Because trusses require fewer materials, they are often more affordable than rafters but just as strong, which is why many newer American homes use them.

Covering: When most people think of their roof, they think of the covering. Your roof’s covering is the part that’s most visual from the outside. It’s also primarily responsible for protecting your home from weather damage.

Today, roof coverings consist of a variety of materials, including:

Fascia: Roof fascia is a series of wooden boards that give structure to the side of your house. 

Without fascia, your gutters and downspouts would virtually have no support and would just hang off the side of your home.

Gutters: Gutter systems guide rainwater off your roof and direct it away from your home. They prevent water from pooling on your roof and channel water away from the area right next to your home, so rainwater doesn’t seep into your home’s foundation. Gutters are one of the most important factors to preventing water damage. 

You will also hear about components such as flashing, ridge, drip edge, fascia, chimneys, downspouts, soffits, skylights, etc.

Anatomy of a roof

If any of the parts that make up your roof have damage or if your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, you will need to replace it before going solar. 

solar+roofing and roof anatomy

Replacing Your Roof with Solar Panels

If you do decide to install solar but opt out of a solar + roofing bundle, you will need to keep in mind that your solar panels will likely outlive your roof. What does that mean? It means that, without doubt, your roof will need to be replaced while you still have functional solar panels on them. This also means that you will need to remove your solar panels before replacing your roof. As a result, your roof replacement will likely cost a lot more, considering the additional labor, time and expertise required. It may also result in you having to contract two different companies: one to remove and replace your solar panels, and one to redo your roof. You also have to consider the increase in electricity bills that you will see when your solar panels are off your roof and offline. 

Considering all of these factors, we cannot stress enough how important it is to avoid having to replace your roof after installing solar on your home.

Bundling Solar + Roofing

While bundling your solar + roofing projects may seem to increase your upfront cost, by choosing the right installer, you can find great deals to drive down prices. 

If you think you may need to replace your roof before installing solar, then find a company that will bundle your solar + roofing projects for the best deals! This will allow you peace of mind knowing that your new roof can support your state-of-the-art panels and help cut down on the inevitable costs of having to install solar and replace your roof!

Solar + roofing really is a match made in heaven. If you have going solar on your list of priorities, you may have your roof and roof life top-of-mind as well. And it makes sense! Solar panels should power your home for 20 to 25 years, depending on the materials used and maintenance provided throughout their lifespan. That means decades of savings for you and your family!As a result, it is only natural that you think of your roof and roof life when considering making the switch to solar. Commonly, homeowners will ask themselves a ton of questions relating to their roof: